About the Journal

BJDI was created out of a need for a free, open access, peer-reviewed journal where articles are made available as they are accepted (on-demand)

BJDI comes to strengthen and disseminate research carried out in Brazil and by Brazilians around the world, but everyone is welcome to submit their work.

Currently, the search for information is digital and there is a yearning for what is most recent and current.

Among our pillars are the rapid review and immediate publication and acceptance of the article.


Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate free access to its contents under the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.


Publication Fees

Authors do not need to pay an article-processing charge (APC) and no waivers are offered.


BJDI is not affiliated with any large corporate publisher earning money from the work of academics. BJDI is run by academics for doctors and academics